Welcome to Sorghum Trust
After the termination of the Sorghum Board in 1997, all of the funds of the Sorghum Board were transferred to the Sorghum Trust. These funds became the discretionary funds of the Sorghum Trust, which are governed by the Trustees in terms of the Trust Deed. The main objective of the Sorghum Trust is to maximise the income of the Trust and to provide funding for the benefit of the Sorghum Industry – in particular, for sorghum research & development projects and the maintenance of information required by the Sorghum Industry.
The Trust Deed provides for five trustees, who are to represent each of the following affected parties:
- The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development;
- Sorghum Traders;
- Commercial Sorghum Producers;
- Emerging Sorghum Producers; and
- Sorghum Processors.
Our purpose
The Trust exercises its mandate principally by providing financial support for organisations conducting research, collecting and disseminating market information and performing transformation projects in the South African Sorghum Industry.
Students are invited to apply for scholarships to further their studies from the Sorghum Trust.